Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where are you?

Hello. I was very surprised when I saw that nobody has posted anything yet and I thought that I am the last person. Anyway,
As I was talking to Ruth and Kenneth I found some of their words nice to tell you about: 1."learning is an essential life skill." I hadn't looked at learning as a skill. I thought all people just learn and there is nothing new; but when I see it as a skill I know that it can be improved. If we don't bring the learning to our private lives, they will be so routine and boring as I have experienced it.
2." Respect for others` learning". Have you ever noticed to it before? Unfortunately most people don't think about others. They just say to themselves: "ok, I know this and now I am a big one and I won't teach it to anyone." And when others learn sth wrong or incomplete those people laugh at them! So, YOU, let's help each other.
3. On page 369 they refer to the people who think they are the best and don't let the others talk to them and clear their thoughts. These people are so … I hope you don't belong to this group.
They aren't only these three numbers. I will write the others in another time.I will tell the rest and my learning of my life later.

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