Saturday, November 24, 2007


it's really right that learning takes a long time,as long as my life.i've started learning since the day i opened my eyes to this world.i am always learning something.i think learning is not possible without tolerating's hard most of the time to learn.i myself learn more when i pass a bitter experience and i often promiss myself not to repeat that kind of mistake again but i forget.i think forgetting has the same meaning as unlearning.i mean i often think that i've learnt what is right or wrong but when i don't act the learned thing it seems that i've forgotten it.for example sometimes i see people acting with me very selfishly and i promiss not to be like that with others but i don't remember this all the time.
i think academic learning is important cause it's effect on our daily learning.i visit many people including my teachers and friends in the university and it makes me grow up with new and diffrent ideas and it makes me learn and understand life more and more.

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