Wednesday, November 28, 2007


What,s motherhood? is it only loving our children?if we love our children, it,s because we love ourselves and it has little motherhood in it. even if we like our adults, husband , other relatives, it all has loving ourselvees in it ,cos,we like tio be loved. it is much near to the ego we talk about.

motherhood has taking care about others, thinking about what happens around us and why, lots of responsibility, respect, thought , change.... in it . it is much closer to the self we talk about.

have you seen mothers taking their children to school when blocking the street , bothering others, to be near to the school door? they are good mothers in their opinion , but do you see motherhood in it?

It is is not the only problem, i see it in many aspects of life here. it is one of things absent in our relations and i think it is a real danger. only think about what happens around us and why?!!

Where are we going to be and what we will herit for others, especially for our children!!

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