Monday, October 15, 2007


sth came to ma mind about all ov wat iz written & told about Jalaloddin Molana,iz about the pain aroud we all feel foresure!cuz ov bein the NEY! sometimes the pain iz that much unstandable that guy feelz wantz to scream,but yo know wat,this bringz up a story to me about the guy who waz bein punished & whipped by executers ov the government & he didnt even scream & cry! a man comez & askz the reazen why that he iz on the silence!he will answer that my beloved iz lookin at me & i don wanna hurt her by cryin & screamin!
so wenever yo felt that you have had enough & felt tired of this wolrd & wannet to screem,remeber that your beloved iz through the timelessness,in the placelessness,nazdiktar az shahrag e gardan!so keep in silence & enjoy the pain ov bein NEY & the waitin for the VESAAAL!

1 comment:

moon said...

Yes, I agree with you. But can you tell me if you have done it yourself too? Yes, when I am in love I just want to see my beloved and I stand all bad things just for my beloved.