Monday, October 8, 2007

Us In Molana's Mirror!

Tha real thing about ma page waz the true word for the title ov Fihi Ma Fih,the expressed-in- prosed book of Molana Jalaloddin. 'In It Wat In It' iz the comprehenced translation for tha title,but thi real wordz come to help yo relief yo wen yo get the best translation that iz 'In It Wat Iz In It',& this iz the way the mind & beyond it the heart can shift the wordz to better get the meanin of hiz life-long termz sayin!
Even if yo are a kind a sharp person,yo will get into mishmash & the real delicious taste of strugglin with hiz wordz!& believe that this struggle doezn alwayz come up with a clear conclusion,may be a long lastin feelin ov confusion putz yo through later timez;)
& nice iz the image that bringz the rhythm ov hiz SAMA' through versez ov him wen you are readin them.
Khodaayash Biaamorz!