Monday, October 8, 2007

language of molana in my life

I always think about the reason that we are here.when I read molana's poems I found that for understanding this I need to wash myself of myself and be melting snow.

I have imprisoned myself in confinements I created for myself and I do not even notice that this is the jail I built with my egoes . what is need to be done is to break the egojail's door whitch I don't think to be simple.

I think if egoes be gone, all the this world uselessthings will be gone too then, I can live in silence and then I can open my inner eye.

I always think about where I am in this world .I did not really understand what was the meaning of ocean in this poem but if it means the love that GOD gave us and still give us I can say that every person is part of this ocean we are oceanic since we are love, and we are created of love. but the important thing is that where
I am in the ocean and where I should be , where God wants me to be.

when I think about life reflected in molana's poem and my own life I can see the big big differences between these two and I always think about the ways I can make them similar.
when we see the life in molana's poem and I compare it with my life I see that I always wanted not to sit in this circle but I still don't know the reason .
I hope with digging up in to molana's poems I can experience the sema of slavery and mastery whitch I think the fact of life is hidden in.


لاله said...

Dear Zahra,
Your words brings me a great relief...
What you asked is the question of mine"where is my position?"
You are kind pal I'm glad I became to know you :-*
Anyhow you are a good girl and I believe you can find the answer!

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