Monday, October 8, 2007

if a traveler teipped over a rock in their path 700 years ago, and from this event altered the course of their life, we might conclude the rock was only incidental.but if that same rock trips thousands, through the centuries, each walking away with a different MESSAGE and a different LESSON, then can we call this incidental? when foolish peopel trip, they get up and walk away as if nothing happend.they learn nothing.a wise person will find a greater meaning for their fall. but a rock that trips travelers in every age, each time imparting a different meaning, that is not just a rock. that is GOD.
be the wise person,look every events in a different way, try to find new meanings .dont be the foolish one that just walks away and doesnt pay any attention to the events happening on the way. look for new things on the way of your life.

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