Saturday, September 29, 2007

The parrot and the greengrocer

Each part of nature and even whole the nature has its “rhyme” and rhythm. Even the silence you hear from the nature has its own affect that human can feel it and absorb it with whole sole.

The rhyme of nature has shown itself in the rhyme of poetry, so choosing the similar rhyme at the end of each line in Molana poet is more compatible with “spirit” and reduces and soften the sententious voice of prosaic English form.

The images making by reading Molana poet are not present in English translation. They are obvious words and phrases in English prose but they are hidden under the images and rhymes of Molana poet.

In my opinion, there is no comparison –as we are supposed- in the poetry. Comparison –as we do- is mostly for appearances and the qualities, and in this manner is makes bad feeling and demeans someone.

But when you are comparing the inside believes and talk about real reasons of behaviors, it makes good feeling for those behaviors which gets you upper and give you good sense about those qualities.

It makes those qualities important and makes you think about them and show you an upper position which human can reach and lighten humanity, but when there is comparison in quantities, it always demean someone and push them toward down not bringing them up.

In Molana the comparisons is for showing though all human are from same source but their act and mind changes their path and makes their direction.

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