Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happiness / Sadness ?

LIFE is like the PIANO

Where white keys represent Happiness and black keys represent Sadness


You must know that black keys also make Music !

Posted by: Sepideh


Anonymous said...

Hi dear sepideh
Thanks 4 ur good piece of prose.
I had heared this prose somewhere else before but in other words as it goes:

Life is like a piano in which white keys represent happiness and love and black keys represent sadness and sorrow but you should play both to hear the music of life.

Anonymous said...

hi dear sepideh!!
i think life is like a piano but you should know when you press white keys and when press black keys!!
thanks for your nice passage and your nice weblog!!!
be happy every time,every where!!

Anonymous said...

yes,life is a mixture of sadness and happiness........otherwise liFe will be we pray for a lil sad lot happy life everyday..........:)