Saturday, July 14, 2007


Well i really don't know how to say Salam after this long break. At different times since the time we decided on the MOThana in Tolani ROots, i've seen our blog three times. somehow in those three times it just was not the right time for me to write. During the first days when maral told me to write the RoOts i thought about what i would like to say. i said a lot to myself but didn't write . this act of writing is still a secret for me. i haven't figured it out. i know that i enjoy reading a lot and thank those who have written things for me to read. STILL there is a secret about my own writing. can anyone help me with this secret.
i am reading your papers and notebooks. it is taking me back to those days with a lot of memories of each of your sincere smiles, loud dicussions, and soft tastes of the heart. everyone of your notebooks is a different one. i am again more surprised about how different you are and how well you have expressed these differences between yourselves. again i am seeing so much honesty and the language of yourselves. there was just one thing i forgot you to do and that was to grade yourselves. this is the worst part for me. so please help out.
and thank you so much for the beautiful blog. as my friends say it has the colors of an african forest--maybe Tolani Forest. it really is rich with all our hearts. i hope we can make it more and more US and then let's start to write our book. i will write comments to the posts in my next entries. this is only a start.


Anonymous said...

I'm REALLY Happy to hear from you
& very Glad!
you've asked about a secret! It's really hard to find but I'll try my best to find it and will share my thoughts with you
LoVe u
thank u

3p!d said...

SaLaaaMM !!
This SALAM is really Sweet & Delicious and thanks for your sweet STARTING.I agree with لاله that it`s hard to find the secret but I`ll try my best too. But about this matter that you forgot to tell US to grade ourselves I think It will have a HEKMAT in future.
Again Thank you & SALAM


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

چه خوب که حرف از شروعه:)

Joan of Arc said...

vaay,nim sa'ate daaram username o pass e dorostamo peida mikonam=))
anywayz,that is a big succeed at last to say that I do remeber the special way of you sayin Salam with your SSSS!Lov u so much:)