Monday, October 29, 2007

pitying I dropped a tear:
but I saw a glow-worm near
who replied what wailing wight
calls the watchman of the night. (WILLIAM BLAKE)

chestdoc in me

I am going to talk about UK doctor who wrote about palestine.his way of writing is very simple and effective while transferring deep meaning .he wrote as if he is alone and no one will read those papers which are belonging just to him
Imagine you are writing your diary notes every day in your bedroom.As you know no one will read those papers ,you write very simple without no care of being accused for what you have written ,you confess your mistakes which you usually hide and you escape from. You shout your heart while absolutely silent ………
And I say the way he writes is like writing diary notes so reminds me this sentence that
هر آنچه از دل برآيد بر دل نشيند.


For me there are two kinds of learning.One is learning by memorizing, the other is learning poeticaly.I myself have experienced that when I memorize something, soon I forget it.But when I learn poeticaly_by poeticaly I mean by heart,not memorizing,deeply realizing_I feel the matter.The thing would be tangible for me.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Learning through Living !

I think all the moments that I'm living my life, I'm participating in the class of Life. The Life is like a Class that I should learn some thing useful from it and people who are in relation with me are my classmates that we learn a lot of things from each other.
If I exit from class -life- without learning some thing and without having some thing to say, then I wasted my time only for passing my time.

just feeling

I agree with you Elnaz .but what is deep inside you?all these sentences are so beautiful,but in action they are so hard.seeing opened doors is so hard for me.expressing my feelings is so hard.every one should first exprience deeply then start to talk.for me it is like saying things and not doing them.I hope you understand what I said because I can`t explain more.

a happy FLY

these days,specially in this class which i called living,loving,learning we are talking about beautiful things,talking about our feelings and so on.But have you ever thought about how we can make them practical?How we can improve our way of thinking?I was talking to farzane about commiting suicide?why does a person do so?Is it reasonable?what is the GOD's answer to this question?I know it doesn't have anything to do with Molana and Blake but it's for days i'm thinking about it and searching the causes.Can molana help such persons?can any of you help these people?how?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

We are all one, approach of Zinat's

The door itself has never been shut, but we've shut it. We've shut the door of our heart and for reaching our heart again, the door needs to be open but not from outside yea from inside! After knocking from inside and the opening of the door, you can see outside, too!
Yes, bringing the mirror is the best one because we're from you and when you look at yourself in the mirror you can see us,too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Mevlana Jalalu'ddin Rumi:
Enough of these phrases, Conceit and metaphors,I want burning, burning, burning.

When the Sufi saint Rabi'a heard Salih of Qazwin teaching "Knock and the Door will open for you" she admonished him. "What are you talking about Salih, the Door has never been shut."
The great mystic poet Jalaluddin Rumi wrote, " I knocked and the door opened, but I found I'd been knocking from the inside"

"You've no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You. nothing seemed right. What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So- I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me."
Jalaluddin Rumi

Monday, October 22, 2007

Continue Starting! ;)

Dear pals,

From now on, we're going to TALK with eachother through our posts so please unmark the comment option.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

after reading my friends writings

Talin had asked a question inher writing by the is my answer:I like walking in a place that no one is there. I love walking in the rain. I think the rain cleans me. I have a kind of very beautiful peacefulness. It is very nice and I like it very much. She speaks with me and I don't fear of her when she thunders. We sometimes do this (shouting). So she has this right too. She is very sincere.
by reading the new rulefrom Shabnam I wrote this:When I found my best love, I should die to receive it completely. So it will never go or change. Then the entire world is for me; because now I am the sky; I can see every body. If quietness…. So I am sure that I am dead because I am quiet and I like it. And now you say I am moon. I am so happy that I want to fly and laugh.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Molana vs. Blake


I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And 'Thou shalt not' writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires.
باغ عشق
به باغ عشق رفتم
و آن چه را که هرگز ندیده بودم، دیدم
کلیسای کوچکی بر گستره ای سبز
که در گذشته زمین بازی ام بود

و درهای کلیسا بسته بود
و بر سر درش نوشته بودند: مبادا چنین و چنان کنی
پس به باغ عشق برگشتم
آن جا که هزاران گل خوشبو روییده بود

و دیدم که پُر از گور بود
و به جای گل ها، سنگِ گورها
و کشیش ها با ردای سیاه در رفت و آمد بودند
و با بوته های خار پیوند می زدند شور و خواهش مرا

I read some poems of William Blake and I found out that the similarities of his poems to the Molana's poems are more than the differences of their poems.
** Both of them has a special admiration to the NATURE; for instance: Garden, Flower, Day, Night, Sun, Moon, Reed, Greengrocer, Bushes, Dew, Spring, Winter & …. are in most of their poems.
** There is the Divine Love in their poems that emphasizes on Real Love.
** There are a lot of symbols and comparisons in Blake's poems such as Molana's ones.

But I like Molana's poems more than Blake's ones. I think Molana's poems are full of Real Emotions that let me touch them by My Heart.

Molana and William Blake

Mercy,pity,peace and love dwell in me whether i am Muslim,Iranian, Turk, Jew or even heathen! and this is where God is dwelling, too. This is me, the divine one, you know why because mercy has my heart, pity has my face, peace has my dress and love has my form.This is the love story which declares that God and I are in each other all along, so I should look for him in myself which is the real self.All these virtues of delight (mercy, pity, peace and love) in me are from him(God), so he and I are together. I should be careful not to forget who I am and keep on knocking at myself till the joy inside opens a window to see who is there and then sees me outside and invites me to go to inside.In fact,I keep on knocking to reach my heart's desire(the mysterious power inside me) which is exactly what God wants me ... to try to show that I'm alive and understand the meaning of life, since now I'll love myself!

Both Molana and William has reached this point that human's soul is from God and they try to show me how to find it. Their languages are different from each other but they both imply one thing and that's the existence of God and his place, their languages are easy to understand because of the simple grammar they've used. This simplicity helps me to tear all the complexities (egoist one) and find my simple language. Taking everything easy in the framework of what God has asked me . If I think everything is difficult, I'll be far away from my real self since I'm the easiest one! Let me explain it in Farsi I've reached this point:
چرا هميشه بايد همه چيز رو سخت بگيريم؟ چرا بايد فكر كنيم كه راه رسيدن به خدا سخت ترين راهه و فقط پيامبران از عهده طي كردنش بر مي آمدند؟ اكثر ماها مي گيم (هوو! چه خبره! كي مي ره اين همه راهو! آقا جون سخته ما اهلش نيستيم! از ما بر نمياد قدم تو اينجور راها بذاريم! مارو چه به اين كارا! بذار زندگيمونو بكنيم! پيدا كردن خدا سواي از كار و زندگي ماست!) ميدونين چرا؟ چون همش نق مي زنيم مي گيم سخته سخته من نمي تونم تورو خدا بياين از اين قالب سخته و نمي تونمو آه و ناله در بيايم(با خودمم هستما!) بياين به همه چيز ساده نگاه كنيم و لقمه رو دور سر خودمون نچرخونيم تا به قول خانم قهرماني پوزيشن خودمونو پيدا كنيم.چراهميشه ما به آخرين پله نگاه مي كنيم مگه اولين پله چه مشكلي داره؟همين اولين پله س كه ما رو به اون آخريه مي رسونه ديگه. مولانا ميگه سعي نكن خورشيد باشي سعي كن از يك نقطه كوچك روشن شروع كني و به اون خورشيد برسي مي دوني چرا چون اينجوري طبيعي تره چون اين مايه دسترنج خودمونه تو اولين پله نيازي نيست از كسي تقليد كني چون بالا رفتن ازش آسونه
So let's start from the easiest way to gain the greatest one as God says از تو حركت از من بركت by this everything seems simple to us and we can discover our inside world easily.

Molana and William Blake

Mercy,pity,peace and love dwell in me whether i am Muslim,Iranian, Turk, Jew or even heathen! and this is where God is dwelling, too. This is me, the divine one, you know why because mercy has my heart, pity has my face, peace has my dress and love has my form.This is the love story which declares that God and I are in each other all along, so I should look for him in myself which is the real self.All these virtues of delight (mercy, pity, peace and love) in me are from him(God), so he and I are together. I should be careful not to forget who I am and keep on knocking at myself till the joy inside opens a window to see who is there and then sees me outside and invites me to go to inside.In fact,I keep on knocking to reach my heart's desire(the mysterious power inside me) which is exactly what God want me ... to try to show that I'm alive and understand the meaning of life, since now I'll love myself!

Both Molana and william has reached this point that human's soul is from God and they try to show me how to find it. Their languages are different from each other but they both imply one thing and that's the existence of God and his place, their languages are easy to understand because of the simple grammar they've used. This simplicity helps me to tear all the complexities (egoist one) and find my simple language. Taking everything easy in the framework of what God has asked me . If I think everything is difficult, I'll be far away from my real self since I'm the easiest one! Let me explain it in Farsi I've reached this point:
چرا هميشه بايد همه چيز رو سخت بگيريم؟ چرا بايد فكر كنيم كه راه رسيدن به خدا سخت ترين راهه و فقط پيامبران از عهده طي كردنش بر مي آمدند؟ اكثر ماها مي گيم (هوو! چه خبره! كي مي ره اين همه راهو! آقا جون سخته ما اهلش نيستيم! از ما بر نمياد قدم تو اينجور راها بذاريم! مارو چه به اين كارا! بذار زندگيمونو بكنيم! پيدا كردن خدا سواي از كار و زندگي ماست!) ميدونين چرا؟ چون همش نق مي زنيم مي گيم سخته سخته من نمي تونم تورو خدا بياين از اين قالب سخته و نمي تونمو آه و ناله در بيايم(با خودمم هستما!) بياين به همه چيز ساده نگاه كنيم و لقمه رو درور سر خودمون نچرخونيم تا به قول خانم قهرماني پوزيشن خودمونو پيدا كنيم.چراهميشه ما به آخرين پله نگاه مي كنيم مگه اولين پله چه مشكلي داره؟همين اولين پله س كه ما رو به اون آخريه مي رسونه ديگه. مولانا ميگه سعي نكن خورشيد باشي سعي كن از يك نقطه كوچك شروع كني و به اون خورشيد برسي مي دوني چرا چون اينجوري طبيعي تره چون اين مايه دسترنج خودمونه تو اولين پله نيازي نيست از كسي تقليد كني چون بالا رفتن ازش آسونه
So let's start from the easiest way to gain the greatest one as God says از تو حركت از من بركت by this everything seems simple to us and we can discover our inside world easily.

Molana and William Blake

Mercy,pity,peace and love dwell in me whether i am Muslim,Iranian, Turk, Jew or even heathen! and this is where God is dwelling, too. This is me, the divine one, you know why because mercy has my heart, pity has my face, peace has my dress and love has my form.This is the love story which declares that God and I are in each other all along, so I should look for him in myself which is the real self.All these virtues of delight (mercy, pity, peace and love) in me are from him(God), so he and I are together. I should be careful not to forget who I am and keep on knocking at myself till the joy inside opens a window to see who is there and then sees me outside and invites me to go to inside.In fact,I keep on knocking to reach my heart's desire(the mysterious power inside me) which is exactly what God want me ... to try to show that I'm alive and understand the meaning of life, since now I'll love myself!

Both Molana and william has reached this point that human's soul is from God and they try to show me how to find it. Their languages are different from each other but they both imply one thing and that's the existence of God and his place, their languages are easy to understand because of the simple grammar they've used. This simplicity helps me to tear all the complexities (egoist one) and find my simple language. Taking everything easy in the framework of what God has asked me . If I think everything is difficult, I'll be far away from my real self since I'm the easiest one! Let me explain it in Farsi I've reached this point:
چرا هميشه بايد همه چيز رو سخت بگيريم؟ چرا بايد فكر كنيم كه راه رسيدن به خدا سخت ترين راهه و فقط پيامبران از عهده طي كردنش بر مي آمدند؟ اكثر ماها مي گيم (هوو! چه خبره! كي مي ره اين همه راهو! آقا جون سخته ما اهلش نيستيم! از ما بر نمياد قدم تو اينجور راها بذاريم! مارو چه به اين كارا! بذار زندگيمونو بكنيم! پيدا كردن خدا سواي از كار و زندگي ماست!) ميدونين چرا؟ چون همش نق مي زنيم مي گيم سخته سخته من نمي تونم تورو خدا بياين از اين قالب سخته و نمي تونمو آه و ناله در بيايم(با خودمم هستما!) بياين به همه چيز ساده نگاه كنيم و لقمه رو درور سر خودمون نچرخونيم تا به قول خانم قهرماني پوزيشن خودمونو پيدا كنيم.چراهميشه ما به آخرين پله نگاه مي كنيم مگه اولين پله چه مشكلي داره؟همين اولين پله س كه ما رو به اون آخريه مي رسونه ديگه. مولانا ميگه سعي نكن خورشيد باشي سعي كن از يك نقطه كوچك شروع كني و به اون خورشيد برسي مي دوني چرا چون اينجوري طبيعي تره چون اين مايه دسترنج خودمونه تو اولين پله نيازي نيست از كسي تقليد كني چون بالا رفتن ازش آسونه
So let's start from the easiest way to gain the greatest one as God says از تو حركت از من بركت by this everything seems simple to us and we can discover our inside world easily.

Molana and William Blake

Mercy,pity,peace and love dwell in me whether i am Muslim,Iranian, Turk, Jew or even heathen! and this is where God is dwelling, too. This is me, the divine one, you know why because mercy has my heart, pity has my face, peace has my dress and love has my form.This is the love story which declares that God and I are in each other all along, so I should look for him in myself which is the real self.All these virtues of delight (mercy, pity, peace and love) in me are from him(God), so he and I are together. I should be careful not to forget who I am and keep on knocking at myself till the joy inside opens a window to see who is there and then sees me outside and invites me to go to inside.In fact,I keep on knocking to reach my heart's desire(the mysterious power inside me) which is exactly what God want me ... to try to show that I'm alive and understand the meaning of life, since now I'll love myself!

Both Molana and william has reached this point that human's soul is from God and they try to show me how to find it. Their languages are different from each other but they both imply one thing and that's the existence of God and his place, their languages are easy to understand because of the simple grammar they've used. This simplicity helps me to tear all the complexities (egoist one) and find my simple language. Taking everything easy in the framework of what God has asked me . If I think everything is difficult, I'll be far away from my real self since I'm the easiest one! Let me explain it in Farsi I've reached this point:
چرا هميشه بايد همه چيز رو سخت بگيريم؟ چرا بايد فكر كنيم كه راه رسيدن به خدا سخت ترين راهه و فقط پيامبران از عهده طي كردنش بر مي آمدند؟ اكثر ماها مي گيم (هوو! چه خبره! كي مي ره اين همه راهو! آقا جون سخته ما اهلش نيستيم! از ما بر نمياد قدم تو اينجور راها بذاريم! مارو چه به اين كارا! بذار زندگيمونو بكنيم! پيدا كردن خدا سواي از كار و زندگي ماست!) ميدونين چرا؟ چون همش نق مي زنيم مي گيم سخته سخته من نمي تونم تورو خدا بياين از اين قالب سخته و نمي تونمو آه و ناله در بيايم(با خودمم هستما!) بياين به همه چيز ساده نگاه كنيم و لقمه رو درور سر خودمون نچرخونيم تا به قول خانم قهرماني پوزيشن خودمونو پيدا كنيم.چراهميشه ما به آخرين پله نگاه مي كنيم مگه اولين پله چه مشكلي داره؟همين اولين پله س كه ما رو به اون آخريه مي رسونه ديگه. مولانا ميگه سعي نكن خورشيد باشي سعي كن از يك نقطه كوچك شروع كني و به اون خورشيد برسي مي دوني چرا چون اينجوري طبيعي تره چون اين مايه دسترنج خودمونه تو اولين پله نيازي نيست از كسي تقليد كني چون بالا رفتن ازش آسونه
So let's start from the easiest way to gain the greatest one as God says از تو حركت از من بركت by this everything seems simple to us and we can discover our inside world easily.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


"Love is not a thing to understand.
Love is not a thing to feel.
Love is not a thing to give & receive
Love is a thing only to become
And eternally be. "

Monday, October 15, 2007

I want to write about the sentence of I found deep''why are you in doubt about the human seed?''Molana believes man will rise after death in action similar to plants but by the heart there will be Orouj and getting the God's light .Its very useful that have at least good points of other creations.
think about sunset , after every sunset there is a sunrise and sunset again , so always look for a new sunrise in your life.


yesterday while I was running,I came to understand what our teacher Mrs.Ghahremani
had told us about walking.Running is like walking,in a more speedy way.Now,when I see
others running,I feel them,& I understand how they feel.This perception has come to me
recently.B4,I used to pass over them,paying no attention.I ignored them.But now I pay
attention & see them,& feel them.U know,I like the fast breathing after running.Tell
me how do you feel about running & walking?


sth came to ma mind about all ov wat iz written & told about Jalaloddin Molana,iz about the pain aroud we all feel foresure!cuz ov bein the NEY! sometimes the pain iz that much unstandable that guy feelz wantz to scream,but yo know wat,this bringz up a story to me about the guy who waz bein punished & whipped by executers ov the government & he didnt even scream & cry! a man comez & askz the reazen why that he iz on the silence!he will answer that my beloved iz lookin at me & i don wanna hurt her by cryin & screamin!
so wenever yo felt that you have had enough & felt tired of this wolrd & wannet to screem,remeber that your beloved iz through the timelessness,in the placelessness,nazdiktar az shahrag e gardan!so keep in silence & enjoy the pain ov bein NEY & the waitin for the VESAAAL!

There is a candle in your heart

There is a candle in your heart,
ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul,
ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?
You feel the separation
from the beloved.
Invite Him to fill you up,
embrace the fire.
Remind those who tell you otherwise that love,
comes to you of its own accord,
and the yearning for it
cannot be learned in any school.

by Rumi

moon in my mind

dear moon
you are very much honest about your feelings and state them very clearly.(my mind is full of sadness, I'm not happy)

I think you are always about to find and accept your situation in life and I think you are very much in conflict with yourself.
when I wanted to select a picture for my comment to you I choose the blue hills because it always gives me the sense of sadness

the new RULE

  1. Inside this new love, die.Your way begins on the other side.Become the sky.Take an axe to the prison wall.Escape.Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.Do it now.Your covered with thick cloud.Slide out the side. Die, and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign that you've died.Your old life was a frantic running from silence.The speechless full moon comes out now.
    "I used to want buyers for my words.Now I wish someone would buy me away from words.

gate of hope

Come, Come again !Whatever you are...Whether you are infidel,idolater or fireworshipper.Whether you have broken your vowsof repentance a hundred timesThis is not the gate of despair,This is the gate of hope.Come, come again...

mevlana and human being

Nevertheless , man has to give up his four characteristics in order to reach this exalted position that has been granted to him by God. These four characteristics which are impediments for man belong to four birds? to be arrogant like a peacock; to be greedy like goose; to be lewd like a cock; and to dream impossible things and to desire a long life like a crow (Mesnevi, V/ 31-52) In fact, these animal -like attributes do not suot man , who was created in the form that the Compassionate, namely , God (suret-i Rahman)As in the words of Mevlana , these characteristics , which are the cruciform of reason , inhibit man from being conscious of himself.
If God guid you to a valley, trust him. becouse he will catch you or learn you soaring.

This sentence put me into magic.
could you imagine that you are a droplet that is vanished in God's love ocean?
or you are in god's arms?
Imagine that how much he is alone! He dont need our worshiping just with wisdom, he is lookforward to our real love.
I believe that we'll be asked for love that is given just to humanbeing as a beautiful and different gift for understanding , touching and melting in God.

Sorry I forgot .By reading my friend's reflections , I could swim in the pool of present.
I'm too emotional , aren't you?

Where is my PositiOn?

Reading the world not the word...reading my pals' world is becoming realy nice...
I was reading our october posts:

on Monday, October 08, 2007 Zahra(aquaticnights) asked "what is my position in this world?"

yesterday, as Akram and I were sharing our worlds...searching our positions...
she thinks a lot and this is why she is so special to me ...

she could easily tell me who I am and how I feel... My position! and she is truly true. :D she put it in words which I couldn't do ever!

Any way, reading your posts, Dear pals, gave me different feelings...

It seems to me...standing in a safe revealing your words freely except Zahra t & Talin!
May be It's beacause I've not revealed myself ... not sure!

!!! How Beautiful !!!

Polishing the Mirror
Someone with a clear and empty heart
mirrors images of the Invisible.
He becomes intuitive and certain
of our inmost thought,
because "the faithful are a mirror for the faithful."
[I, 3146-7]
This world and that world are forever giving birth:
every cause is a mother; the effect born is as a child.
When the effect was born, it too became a cause
so that it might give birth to wondrous effects.
These causes follow generation upon generation,
but it takes a very well-illumined eye
to see all the links in the chain.
[II, 1000-2]


About MOLANA I can say he was really a great person and his ability to comunicat with all the people in diffrent religons is really appricable.By communication I mean by his simple words and his simple language and beautiful poems , he can transfer his meaning and belifs to all the people and he can make the human aware and guide them to the right way . for example some times by simple problems I think that evrything is finished . some thing that stick in my mind for ever from this text is that dispair and hopefulness shoud never come to our heart. and we shouden't ever never be disappointed and always try to be better . according to his beautiful poem: come come , who ever you are wander , worshipper,lover of leaving It doesn't matter ours is not a caravan of dispair come , ever if you have broken your vow a handred times come,yet again , come , come
When i have a problem or when i make a mistake, i'm surte that God will help me and never leave me alone. When people believe and become sure that they have someone who is always with them they don't ever feel alone and never become hopless. Another thing that i want to say is that the religous beliefs are different in different religions. For example, muslims worship God by saying prayers, christians do this by another way and also other religions and other ways. But when i think i realize that something is the same in all of them and that is truth. Truth is something that all the religions are following it and search for it. Searching for truth is in the nature of human being. Each of us find the truth in different way. One of his beautiful poems that had a effect on me was "Musa and the shepherd". And he proved this fact beautifully. God ordered Musa
هر كس را اصطلاحي داده ايم it means that people have different language for worshiping God, but all of them have the same aim. And at the end Musa told the shepherd هيچ آدابي و تربيتي مجو هر چه مي خواهد دل تنگت بگو it means that you do not need to have specefic language for talking to God, just your tendency is important.
The memory of Molana nevere had been forgotten in different centuries and in all over the world, all the people recall him as a great حق طلب and this is a great honor for iranian to have such a person.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am not of this world,nor of the next,nor of Paradise,nor of Hell
Mowlana doesn't care about Hell & Paradise(I have touched this situation alittle)

For example you can have different Niats for what you do .A Moslem doesn't lie because he is scared of going to Hell .Another one doesn't do so becausehe is aware of the bad effect of lying on his\her life .theother one doesn't lie because he\she loves GOD & doesn't want to offend him by ignoring his rules.
I think the third Niat is the best & Mowlana's Niat is near this.
Paradise & Hell or in other word the reward & the punishment is not important for him.
Salam. I like to write some notes about the paper Simin gave us. It is very nice and all the sentences are very sweet. I mean I enjoy reading them. In one sentence he says:
1. Sit down in this circle…! I think this circle is the world. (Imagine a circle) so the world is so small. People will meet each other again one day. From another view when I am out of circle I don't and cannot see what is happening or what is real! When I enter I will see how big it is! So how is it? Small or big?
I wanted to change the word (I) to (you) because I wanted to talk to you about it. To make you think about it. But I used (I) to show my idea.
2. Live in silence: we can live in silence and I was living in silence but I am not alone always. Others forced me to live in a busy world. I liked the silent world and again I try to reach it. (I can't explain more)
3. No light and no land anywhere: I feel I have nowhere to go and stay, nowhere is mine because my mind is full of sadness. I want to stay in a place with full of peacefulness.

Walking or running

Now that we are passing our life, how can we live hour lives:

Running the life, pushing others or throwing them away with our heads down or…

Walking throw the life, looking with heads off, smiling at other passengers, looking for similarities more than differences…

We have not learn to live the life, the are few people who try to look for the reason and finding answers for their questions.

Molana was one of the greatest and though he was so much grate and admired, his attitude didn’t affect his thoughts and behavior. But it’s not enough to be affected only when the circumstance is ready for, if there is even a little difference in our acts and there is something settled in us, then we can say we have put steps toward understanding.

Self & Ego

We are always two: Self and ego. Ego wants to be seen. To be showed off. To be labeled. It doesn’t care much about others.

Ego is what it seen by others at first glance. But self is seen by the third eye. You should want to see beyond curtains, close both eyes to see with the third eye.

Molana looks behind the surface and shallow differences and labels, so looks for humanism. What is human creating for. So he honor all religious traditions, ‘cos’ he loves God and all its creatures.

sorry for forgetting to post these photos

Friday, October 12, 2007


After about 3 weeks Listening, Reading, Searching and Writing about Molana's poems, I found out that how wonderful his poems are. In my opinion his poems are very much STABLE, because the more time passes, the more reader can understand the secrets of his poems. The secrets that are so wonderful and cause to find myself & my way in my life, to search in my world and to know that how much God is Generous.

Close Both Eyes
To See with The Other Eye.

When I read this part of his poem for the first time I really enjoyed of it. I thought about it very much and I think I found out what he means.
By this golden guidance he learns me to see every thing with my Heart's Eye.

In my opinion if I use of my both eyes only, I would be a materialist but if I close my both eyes and see with my Heart's eyes, then I could have an intellectual favor to know myself better.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


"Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge.
Knowledge means to know yourself, heart and soul.
If you have failed to understand yourself,
Then all of your reading has missed its call.
What is the purpose of reading those books?
So that man can know the All-Powerful.
If you have read, but failed to understand,
Then your efforts are just a barren soul."

Understanding shouldn't only come through our minds,as Molana says we must get every thing with our hearts, inwardly.Our morality has better understanding than the brain.The things we've understood with heart remain much more.Our heart never dies,but our brain may die. What raises a man to a higher position are the inner sciences:
There's a story between a grammarian & a boatman:
"A certain grammarian embarked in a boat. That self-conceited person turned to the boatman.
And said, 'Have you ever studied grammar?', 'No', he replied. The other said, 'half your life is gone to naught.'
The boatman became heart-broken with grief, but at the time
he refrained from answering.
The wind cast the boat into a whirlpool: the boatman spoke loud (shouted) to the grammarian.
Tell me, do you know how to swim?' 'No', said he, 'O fair-spoken good-looking-man!'
'O grammarian,' said he,' your whole life is naught, because the boat is sinking in these whirlpools.'
Know that here mahw (self-effacement) is needed, not nahw (grammar): if you are mahw (dead to self), plunge into the sea without peril.
The water of the sea places the dead one on its head (causes him to float on the surface); but if he be living, how shall he escape from the sea?
Another of Molana’s advice about knowledge is that knowledge makes its owner gain a high esteem when it is united with good deeds. it is not sufficient to be knowledgeable (Fihi Mafih, 93). Those who are knowledgeable but devoid of good deeds are not scholars but only knowledge keepers (Masnavi, III/3060). What is understood from this thought is that Mevlana favours that theoretical knowledge should be applied to life. Knowledge should never be kept in words and theory, but to be applied to life, to be lived with.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

چشم دل

close both eyes to see with the other eye چشم دل باز كن كه جان بيني انچه ناديدني است ان بيني
in the 7th page of ''RUMI INTRUDUCTION''i got a very beautiful point.It talkes about a rock and it says when you see something,here rock,if it has a meaning just for you not for everyone,it can be about something that has different messages,for years and through the centuries?then can we call this incidental too?I think rock here is the symbol of life.How to go up is how to live and how to choose our way and how to deal with the problems.every one's birth is a new message from god.How many people get life's message by climbing this mountain.
هر انساني كه متولد مي شودنشانه اين است كه خدا هنوز از انسان نوميد نيست.(رابيندرانات تاگور

Monday, October 8, 2007


About the discourses of Rumi I read pages 1 and these two pages it has explained about the manner of Molana. Again here I can see his high rank. In one part he says:
come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving
I think lover of leaving are all the people who want to have a new and good life to come out from all the prisons; like me. I am not satisfied from my place. I want to leave to go somewhere new. To search abut unseen things, to reach to the peacefulness (for example if I lose my jewelry I don't feel sad) His language is very simple and at the same time very hard for me to understand. Because sometimes I feel the things he says at the first time and they have a sensce for me but sometimes I don't see myself in what he is saying even by reading lots of times.
Rumi `s love and honor for all religious traditions… it shows his high personality. He loves all because he loves God. He has public challenge. An effective challenge in the center of life with the people that don't understand his ideas but at last he is successful. He has vitality in his writings and poetry and a relevancy that reaches to our inner core .I can feel it. We are all from one source. I think if one person reaches to it and tells others people can feel and understand it. In this subject time plays no role.

sama' dance(whirling)

sama' dance(whirling dervish exercise)is a mystical spiritual dance which takes the dervish to a higher this dance the long hat is the symbol of tombstone and the cloth (rada) is the symbol of corps cloth(kafan).these mean that the dervish tries to release oneself from this terristrial and materialistic life and wants to be conscious of a further world.during whirling the right hand is up and the left one is down,that defines approching the divine source by the right hand and distributing it through others by the left hand.a dervish whirls 72 times. there is at least 2 stages of sama':the natural sama' and the mystical sama'.in the natural sama' the dervish just gets released from the earthy life but in mystical sama' a superior sense and a divine contact comes to exist.howmuch the dervish capacity is more the contact is deeper and the whirling is longer without paying attention to outer world at all.

who is right?!!!

What we are writing is page 5 of Rumi's introduction
Even today Rumi challenges many of our basic cultural assumption .In fact we are challenging Rumi's valuable ideas.He asks us a very "thinkable" question "if a saint who carries God's secret jewel ,strikes and hits some one ,who is the wronged party?"
We answer it like this: his being saint does not justify what he did but it gets questioned. every
human being is JAYEZOLKHATA even saint ones or messengers! They can never justify their KHATA by God.
forget that God is THE MAIN STANDARD
Nowadays it has become our habit ,when we are judging people we are not walking through them we are just driving as fast as we can ,we have forgot the touchstone and the result is a terrible accident into a big wall of ignoring their mistakes only because they have high ranks among society . Actually we are putting SHARIK for the touchstone although we claim to worship the unique God, it is like driving in a pavement instead of walking .DO NOT get confused . it is very simple . when we equate God and a blue-blooded usual person, it is like driving in sidewalk instead of street.
In fact , we are somehow discussing
the Greengrocer and the parrot.
we don’t open our eyes to judge fairly.
We don’t refer to the
We follow our culture which we are not sure whether it is black or white.
Hey ,you amigo………
Never ever forget where you have come from and where and who is your


آزادي در بي آرزوييست

As long as we are living in this MATERIAL WORLD & we are surrounded by shallow beauties of the world , we cant understand the truth & values hidden behind Molana'words.But by reading this poem deep we are from NOWHERE. But this is OUR SOUL which can go high and reach to a higher point.MOLANA who is so great couldnt recognize him self as well. But he hoped to reach the point later,in contact with GOD.

Posted by Narges & Fatima
"Whenever men/women put a big lock, that is a sign of sth precious and valuable. just like the snake that gaurds treasure, do not regard what repels you, but look instead at the preciousness of the treature"

It remined me of Mr Eslami's , one o' my professors,words...once he told me:" Imagine one day you go mountain climbing. there, there is a fence around the mount with a big lock...people would rush for it :D but now that it is free no one goes!

I'm confused! what repels me dose not always make me eager to itself.

My friends and family, people I know including myself; are very precious to me. They are the treasure that I look at their preciousness.

Fihi ma Fihi is one of molana's discourses. It is translated to In It What Is In It but the writer of "Rumi introduction" suggested It Is What It Is and he believes that these 2 "it"s refer to the book Fihi ma Fihi and Masnavi. 'cause I haven't read Fihi ma Fihi I don't know what it is about and don't have any sense about it! :p I'm sorry...

...sth nice, I've always had problem writting but now I'm rally enjoying it. :)
if a traveler teipped over a rock in their path 700 years ago, and from this event altered the course of their life, we might conclude the rock was only incidental.but if that same rock trips thousands, through the centuries, each walking away with a different MESSAGE and a different LESSON, then can we call this incidental? when foolish peopel trip, they get up and walk away as if nothing happend.they learn nothing.a wise person will find a greater meaning for their fall. but a rock that trips travelers in every age, each time imparting a different meaning, that is not just a rock. that is GOD.
be the wise person,look every events in a different way, try to find new meanings .dont be the foolish one that just walks away and doesnt pay any attention to the events happening on the way. look for new things on the way of your life.

Molana's Treasure

Many times(almost always) I stick in trouble when Iwant to reach my treasure and I must try to find and keep up with this treasure.The lock shouldn't make me disappointed.Whenever there is a lock this means there is also a key.The value of treasure makes the key valuable but this key shouldn't be my aim.The key is a tool,the treasure is the goal.


But in my life I forget this fact so many times.For example success at university entrance examination had become a treasure for me,however it was just a key.
I hope Molana's way can be a guide for me.ENSHA'ALLAH!

**** Reality of Life ****

" He is asking us to Look BENEATH our Cultural Ideas of Right & Wrong to see the True cause: GOD`S WILL ."

In my opinion according to this literary phrase the deepest part ot every thing is God`S WILL , I mean when I look at something I see only the shallowest part of it then it may be so unbearable for me but when I pay more attention to it I can see nothing except GOD.
" Be empty of worring.
Think of who created thought !
Why do you stay in prison
when the door is wide open? "
By using this piece of poem in my Life I can Live in Molana`s world to think like him , to live in a pattern like him , to be Empty of this Full World like him....
When I can think of the Creator of this World and the Creator of Thought, why should I use my thought to think about The World and it`s Shallow Belongings.
By sticking to the world`s belongings I`m living in a fearful PRISON.

Us In Molana's Mirror!

Tha real thing about ma page waz the true word for the title ov Fihi Ma Fih,the expressed-in- prosed book of Molana Jalaloddin. 'In It Wat In It' iz the comprehenced translation for tha title,but thi real wordz come to help yo relief yo wen yo get the best translation that iz 'In It Wat Iz In It',& this iz the way the mind & beyond it the heart can shift the wordz to better get the meanin of hiz life-long termz sayin!
Even if yo are a kind a sharp person,yo will get into mishmash & the real delicious taste of strugglin with hiz wordz!& believe that this struggle doezn alwayz come up with a clear conclusion,may be a long lastin feelin ov confusion putz yo through later timez;)
& nice iz the image that bringz the rhythm ov hiz SAMA' through versez ov him wen you are readin them.
Khodaayash Biaamorz!

pesian sufi sage

molana as mystic , wise , agnostic in his poems and has a special relationship with God .His relation is as lover and beloved.
his humming and his highest joy is the time to talk with God and drown in the ocean. what is in rumi,s expressioon is to absorb in God.rumi s is deep love and his beloved is Allah even though is his poems , imaginary thoughts are flowing , but everybody khonws , what he think and, he means , is God. thats why his dance is the highest point of lover and beloved and sevant.
In his poetry he used the pen-name KHAMUSH and from 15 th century came be khnown as Mwlavi. for nine years rumi practiced sufism as disuple of Baha al din that rumi inhetrited the spritual deritage of his father and became initiated in to mysteries of SUFISM.
he was occupied with teaching meditating , helping the poor and other avtivities of a religious scolar.

WHY should i seek?
I am the same as he
His essence speak through me
I have been searching for myself.

HOW doest THOU khnow what sort of king , i have within me

DO not cast THY glance upon my GOLDEN FACE ,
for i have IRON LEG.


when we are dead , seek not our tumb in the earth , but find it in
the HEART of men

posted by zohreh

Truth is WHAT Truth is page 1&2

There are some literary phrases in these pages like
(great mystical poet) .This phrase used for molavi is very suitable,he says everything in a mystrious way but at the same time he tries to close me to reality .
I believe all that molavi tries to show me is about reality,he says come,come,whoever i am, whatever i do, wherever i am zit does not matter, i should just be myself and follow the realities of everything ,just being the seeker of truth.
In my world truth is truth and nothing else does not matter while there are so many differences through people and things and nature beings ,just respect every thing .When i read these to pages it makes me think deeper and calmer person .
I believe when i think about i can imagine that in my mind and wheni hear precious for my soul and mind,you try to keep it in my mind and feel the presence of that sentence flowing in my life and teaches when i really need it.
in my life i need being with nature & people sharing with them hearing them and that way i can be & recognize myself the way god really wants me to be.
breaking the great ego is all i want !


In my idea both God and reality are vague concepts,and Molana says that God is equal to reality,and alot of mental effort is needed to percept them.also Molana says that we need a third eye to see the means that if we know the reality(knowing reality is knowing ourselves)we can know God.

I feel happy when i read the poet of molavi that Elham has given us.

I've always thought that it is very nice to see others just like yourself,think that they have the same feelings as yours and...i try alot not to be selfish,i think many of our worries are because of our ego.i have a good feelings when these texts remind me my old is a big relief,we should think of people like God,we should take care of our surroundings.try not to be mistaken between selfconfidence and kindness.BE MELTING SNOW,WASH YOURSELF OF YOURSELF.
close both eyes
to see with the other eye.

چشمها را بايد شست
جور ديگر بايد ديد

we think when people concentrate on objects in a shallow way, they can not see their real accept. If they look at things whith inside eye they can underestand everything is a symbol of God, and its aim is getting to God.
and all of them are related to each other.

be melting snow
wash yourself of yourself....!

حاسبوا انفسكم قبل ان تحاسبوا

whash yourself of ego, pride,pessimistic,jealousy...

language of molana in my life

I always think about the reason that we are here.when I read molana's poems I found that for understanding this I need to wash myself of myself and be melting snow.

I have imprisoned myself in confinements I created for myself and I do not even notice that this is the jail I built with my egoes . what is need to be done is to break the egojail's door whitch I don't think to be simple.

I think if egoes be gone, all the this world uselessthings will be gone too then, I can live in silence and then I can open my inner eye.

I always think about where I am in this world .I did not really understand what was the meaning of ocean in this poem but if it means the love that GOD gave us and still give us I can say that every person is part of this ocean we are oceanic since we are love, and we are created of love. but the important thing is that where
I am in the ocean and where I should be , where God wants me to be.

when I think about life reflected in molana's poem and my own life I can see the big big differences between these two and I always think about the ways I can make them similar.
when we see the life in molana's poem and I compare it with my life I see that I always wanted not to sit in this circle but I still don't know the reason .
I hope with digging up in to molana's poems I can experience the sema of slavery and mastery whitch I think the fact of life is hidden in.

a review

molana says what is to be done for I dont recognise my self it reminds me of the first step for doing anything is knowing my real self. He says dont pay attention to labeles ,these are not YOU . Your real self is more precious to be mixed up with amusing devices in the world.It gives me the sense of proude to be sth beyound what I'd seen myself ,although I'm stranger with it. I found out that the self of every one is a jewel which cant be bad so the dark points that I find in
me are my ego not my real self.In life my responsiple is to be in progress to get that real self.
molana's poets lit a light for me and chang my eye direction from looking outside to my inside and I found it this time a bit lighter.There was a sentence '' who is the real stranger to Truth?''
it's always my concern that am I familiar with truth or no I'm stepping on the wrong way .I suppose with help of my real self recognising the truth is easier, in that way I will feel it spontainously. Having literatcy is completly different from having sience thats why some educated people thinks truth is their permanet friend but after facing molana's atitudes they feel emptiness and it seemes they are still strang with it and have to work from the first step.

from the placeless

be the self of your self, dont think of the names your given and called with. dont think for your nationalityor for the city you have came from. make your self free from every things that makes you get far from the self of your self. try to get near and near and near to the ONE.

مكانم لا مكان باشد نشاتم بي تشان باشد


Be melting snow,
Wash yourself of yourself....!
I can't do this!!This is all about the belief.I DO believe in God but I don't believe in myself.I'm mixed up!!!Believe in God causes believing in everything in yourself.So why I can't believe in myself????!!!It might be because of the levels of the believing.Belivieng in God has different levels.I should have been in the primary one(like a child who is starting to learn,to grow...)I believe in God,I know God is there forever but I can't ALWAYS touch it-just very often-.I know I love him but I can't feel this love,I mean....4 example I love my dad and I feel it but I cannot feel my love toward God.I just know that I love him.comilicateeeedddd....

OPen your hands,
if you want to be held.
People who don't know ANYTHING about belief can't do this;for they can't trust.When there is no belief and faith there is no trust.There is no beauty.And fear covers everywhere.

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thoughts!
HOW?By belief.Belief destroys worrying.

Rumi introduction

What I understood from the third page of Rumi introduction is this:

Molana’s language starts from human repentance and prayer which at first is material, then it becomes wider and reaches (goes through) the endless unity(of God) which is spiritual. Infact, his language is likely to show this infinity. Starting from a dot (.) and reaching endless dots (...... ).

Fihi ma fih or it is what it is (I don’t like this translation because it has limitation in itself!) includes spiritual discussions with his students, holy poems and phrases, and sama dance (Whirling Dervish exercise) which by making it, Molana opened a spiritual door for the sad people of Konya and Turkey. As he says “This is the sema of slavery and mastery dancing together”

Arberry the translator of Discourses of Rumi declares that his literal work “is not an easy book to read…and the original is by no means easy (not at all) easy always to understand” and his translation (Chittick and Shah) has technical problems. The editors hope that this edition of the book is to build on Professor Arberry’s contribution (means is to use his contribution as a basis for further progress).

One of the differences between the original manuscript of Rumi’s discourses and this book is the dropping of phrases like “may Allah bless him and give him peace” (درود و رحمت خدا بر او باد) which came after every references to prophets in Rumi’s days and even now (this shows respectful way of speaking among Muslims). Basically Rumi makes many references to Koran because he knows that his listeners are familiar with it and it’s a flick for them to remember their sanctities.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hi Walkers

By reading Molana's poems ,I feel that I can see my realself in every creature and be united and calm with them (I mean live between oppositions but remain united)
And I really want to be melt in the snow,to be a piece of ocean like a raindrop,
Tobe versified in the songs of birds. After melting in God's gifts , there'll be no me(ego), I'll be born again and I can experience everything from the beginning like a baby.
In my opinion, one of the most valuable gifts is Suffering.
Suffering is that alchemy that we should welcome it. Because it changes our copper(ego) into gold(real self) .It seems that Molana indirectly forces us walking instead of driving, lighting the candles instead of sleeping in darkness and find our real self
" Man has to give up his four characteristics in order to reach this exalted position that has been granted to him by God. These four characteristics which are impediments for man belong to four birds? to be arrogant like a peacock; to be greedy like goose; to be lewd like a cock; and to dream impossible things and to desire a long life like a crow (Mesnevi, V/ 31-52)." In fact, these animal -like attributes do not suit man , who was created in the form that the Compassionate, namely , God (suret-i Rahman) As in the words of Mevlana , these characteristics , which are the cruciform of reason , inhibit man from being conscious of himself.

" Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge.
Knowledge means to know yourself, heart and soul.
If you have failed to understand yourself,
Then all of your reading has missed its call.
What is the purpose of reading those books?
So that man can know the All-Powerful.
If you have read, but failed to understand,
your efforts are just a barren soul. "
As a result, we must mention that the value which Mevlana attached to man is higher than those of other mystics who lived before him. Mevlana investigated the human conscience under the light of Qur'anic (holy Book) verses, and expressed the virtue of being human in a very clear way.

walking or running

maybe we had never paid attention to this point that when we are walking we are seeing everything better than when we are driving or when in a car.isn't life like this?i think this is exactly like how we live.I think when we are walking the minutes and the seconds of our life,we are reading everything better.Reading our parents,our brothers and sisters and even the most simplest things like my room'carpet or my mother's hands.If anyone tries to walk along the life's streets,maybe the world would be like how Molana sees it.The world would be a different place to live and to deal with.Molana is walking through not even life's streets but also different houses and different hearts.He is walking through our hearts singing?Can you hear him?His voice is so loud that has made many people awake.Walking with powerful boots or light shoes?!!!Which one do you think he is using.I think he is using both where apropriate with indirect trick,the one which makes a loud sound or the one with no sound.I'm hearing the sound of his walking even if he wears no shoes?!!!How about you?

Thursday, October 4, 2007


When we read Molana's poems or at least when I read them;I can see a beautiful
And wonderful and ofcourse rare sense within .we realize an impatience in those poems and I like this sense .we can see and feel continuous changing inside of Molana
And certainly with these changes he toiled a lot untill he can gain evolution.
And you know better than me that evolution is accompanied by suffering and transition . and ofcourse molana approve me that when one reach to this stage there is
No way but silence.and we can say bravely that time our body cannot bear our soul.
I wish I reach to that stage before death.

It seems that molana wants to wake up(become alert)
خواب را بگذار امشب اي پسر يك شبي بركوي بي خوابان گذر
He owe to shams for this alertness because of opportune flick.
And after this stage this is reality of molana that is revealed for us.
After reading his poems ;I feel I can hear and see everything without any opposition.
Something become enlightened inside of me that force me tobe silent.This feeling make my appearance calm and create an uproar in my inner.

About Molana

hi every read about Molana you can go to tribute to rumi)this site offers biography,pictures,poems in English and Farsi,including divan_e shams and is a part of it.
Fire of love is set upon the reed
Passion of love this wine will gladly feed
Reed is match for he who love denied
Our secrets unveiled, betrayed, defied.
Who has borne deadly opium like the reed?
Or lovingly to betterment guide and lead?
Of the bloody path, will tell many a tale
Of Lover’s love, even beyond the veil.
None but the fool can hold wisdom dear
Who will care for the tongue if not ear?
In this pain, of passing days we lost track
Each day carried the pain upon its back
If days pass, let them go without fear
You remain, near, clear, and so dear.

Monday, October 1, 2007


u can eazily go in this site & find out the details ov wat haz happenned to Jalaloddin & much more tha misticism ov Shams & Molana Jalaloddins' relation!A good combination of prose & poem:D