Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am not of this world,nor of the next,nor of Paradise,nor of Hell
Mowlana doesn't care about Hell & Paradise(I have touched this situation alittle)

For example you can have different Niats for what you do .A Moslem doesn't lie because he is scared of going to Hell .Another one doesn't do so becausehe is aware of the bad effect of lying on his\her life .theother one doesn't lie because he\she loves GOD & doesn't want to offend him by ignoring his rules.
I think the third Niat is the best & Mowlana's Niat is near this.
Paradise & Hell or in other word the reward & the punishment is not important for him.


moon said...

I donot your name but I want to know you belong to which group of these that you have written.write about yourself

Anonymous said...

Dear Dicentra
what u said about those beautiful sentensec of Molana was very interesting to me...
when I started reading your blog,I thought u might have continued differently,but the continuous of your writing was different and nice...
the way u mentioned your idea sounds familiar to me & I guess I know you(am I right?)If not I really want to know u...

hamideh said...

i think u cant get rid of the limitation of hell and paradise,u r bound in the surface of(دين),and also this categorizing is not completely correct.
cause for reaching the third niat u shoud pass two previous stages,these things should be done continuasly.
another point is that u just want to rank this long spiritual path.