Mercy,pity,peace and love dwell in me whether i am Muslim,Iranian, Turk, Jew or even heathen! and this is where God is dwelling, too. This is me, the divine one, you know why because mercy has my heart, pity has my face, peace has my dress and love has my form.This is the love story which declares that God and I are in each other all along, so I should look for him in myself which is the real self.All these virtues of delight (mercy, pity, peace and love) in me are from him(God), so he and I are together. I should be careful not to forget who I am and keep on knocking at myself till the joy inside opens a window to see who is there and then sees me outside and invites me to go to inside.In fact,I keep on knocking to reach my heart's desire(the mysterious power inside me) which is exactly what God want me ... to try to show that I'm alive and understand the meaning of life, since now I'll love myself!
Both Molana and william has reached this point that human's soul is from God and they try to show me how to find it. Their languages are different from each other but they both imply one thing and that's the existence of God and his place, their languages are easy to understand because of the simple grammar they've used. This simplicity helps me to tear all the complexities (egoist one) and find my simple language. Taking everything easy in the framework of what God has asked me . If I think everything is difficult, I'll be far away from my real self since I'm the easiest one! Let me explain it in Farsi I've reached this point:
چرا هميشه بايد همه چيز رو سخت بگيريم؟ چرا بايد فكر كنيم كه راه رسيدن به خدا سخت ترين راهه و فقط پيامبران از عهده طي كردنش بر مي آمدند؟ اكثر ماها مي گيم (هوو! چه خبره! كي مي ره اين همه راهو! آقا جون سخته ما اهلش نيستيم! از ما بر نمياد قدم تو اينجور راها بذاريم! مارو چه به اين كارا! بذار زندگيمونو بكنيم! پيدا كردن خدا سواي از كار و زندگي ماست!) ميدونين چرا؟ چون همش نق مي زنيم مي گيم سخته سخته من نمي تونم تورو خدا بياين از اين قالب سخته و نمي تونمو آه و ناله در بيايم(با خودمم هستما!) بياين به همه چيز ساده نگاه كنيم و لقمه رو درور سر خودمون نچرخونيم تا به قول خانم قهرماني پوزيشن خودمونو پيدا كنيم.چراهميشه ما به آخرين پله نگاه مي كنيم مگه اولين پله چه مشكلي داره؟همين اولين پله س كه ما رو به اون آخريه مي رسونه ديگه. مولانا ميگه سعي نكن خورشيد باشي سعي كن از يك نقطه كوچك شروع كني و به اون خورشيد برسي مي دوني چرا چون اينجوري طبيعي تره چون اين مايه دسترنج خودمونه تو اولين پله نيازي نيست از كسي تقليد كني چون بالا رفتن ازش آسونه
So let's start from the easiest way to gain the greatest one as God says از تو حركت از من بركت by this everything seems simple to us and we can discover our inside world easily.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
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