Saturday, September 29, 2007

language of Molana in the parrot & the greengrocer

Touchstone, assay, judgement
What you get from these words is comparison and this is what Molana wants us to get.
But he offers not to compare with the judgemant of ours, but with HIS.
He wants us to compare , but fairly.
He wants us to see, but clearly.
He wants us to judge, but with the standard of God not ourselves. And I say that God himself is the MAIN STANDARD
He offers not to just see the appearance, but to dig into inside.
Laleh says our world is like a piano, black & white, but I say sometimes our life and what we have to see is gray, both black & white and we have to tell these two apart. Who is really the white and who the black.
Molana says be careful !!! Sometimes the black one appears as white……
But I say, hey you amigo, be careful!!! Sometimes the white is
apparantly black but he is NOT…..
He says the origin of both is the same but one has decided to be black & one to be white, exactly like two children in a family with very nice and white parents. But you see what happens...!!! One of them chooses to be white & the other black, so what shall the poor parents do... what,s their fault....

Molana talks about all of these with a sweet language. His language is powerful. It is also moving. It is not stagnant.
I say simple tenses imply stability & continuous ones imply movement but it is very interesting when I see his language moving while using both simple & continuous...
He takes the reader to the depth of his speech & affects him as the reader himself is the character in the story.
The translator has tried to have the powerness of Molana by using continiuous forms & I say that he has tried his best to do so. I don’t want to say he was not successful, its not fair, but he can not have the influence of Molana..
He even has used present tense while Molana has used past tense and it is where he talks about different species of things and compares them…
With all these differences my idea is that this translation is a good & powerful one and I enjoyed it a lot, however I hadn’t read the poetry before…
Molana,s language is the language of human, I mean the language of a real human with the holy FETRAT and maybe this is the reason we like his speech…
His talks come from his spirit and this language of spirit is the one all of us know since we were created but maybe we have forgot it…
Hey amigo, this is our language, lets talk and live with the language of ours not with another one which doesn’t belong to us, we have many things, many valuable thing inside of us, lets bring them out because they are very similar to the MAIN STANDARD….

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